What is a checkout report?

The property check out report describes the condition of the property once the tenants have vacated the property. The check out report is compared against the original inventory report to review the condition of the property.

This process can be carried out by letting agents, inventory clerks or landlords, but best practice is for a impartial party to carry out check out reports. The checkout report is extremely important as it provides a clear detailed description of the condition of the rental property.

Once completed the two reports are provided to the tenants and provides the opportunity to discuss any damage caused during the tenancy that might affect how much deposit is returned. The property check out report can help avoid disputes over the landlord's responsibility and fair wear and tear.

What is a checkout report?

Peach Software check out reports

Our software has the unique feature of being able to convert either a check in report or inventory reports into a check out report with the touch of a button. Once converted you will have all the previous information form the inventory report with you at the rental property. This massively improves the checkout process as users can go through the reports at the property to discuss deposit deductions and avoid deposit disputes. All check out reports can be completed at the property and then converted again into a new inventory report ready for the new tenants.

Contact us today for more information, and to see all of our amazing features that can greatly benefit the way you complete check out reports.

Who is responsible for check out?

Landlords will typically use letting agents or inventory clerks to conduct there check out report. The person carrying out the check out report needs to have a copy of the original property inventory report for comparison.

Being able to compare the two reports is strongly recommended in the process of returning the tenant's deposit. Having a detailed inventory report and check out report is beneficial for not only letting agents and property owners but also tenants.

What happens if you don't have an check out report ?

If you do not have an check out report, you will not have evidence to offer your deposit protection scheme in the event of a dispute.

Being able to compare a detailed property inventory reports against a check out reports is critical for the adjudication process and make the resolution much easier.

What is considered fair wear and tear ?

It is a generally defined as the deterioration that a landlord would reasonably expect tenants to cause through their everyday normal use of the property over the period of the tenancy. Tenants have a duty to return the property in a similar condition at the end of the tenancy. For example the level of wear and tear to a carpet will depend both on its quality and location.